DataPORT™ Log in

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If you have lost your password or would like to modify it, please call or e-mail

By logging in to York's DataPORT system you acknowledge that the use of York's DataPORT is at your own risk. YORK will not be liable to you (or any person or entity claiming through you) for any direct, indirect, consequential, incidental or other damages under any theory of law for any errors in the use of or inability to use the system and its content including without limitation, damages for lost profits, business, data, confidentiality or damage to any computer systems, even if you have advised YORK of the possibility of such damage. It is specifically understood that posting information on the internet can create a risk that it will be viewed/obtained and possibly altered by unauthorized parties and that this too is at your sole risk and the limitation of liability provisions of this section apply in such an event.